Park Home Rules and Regulations in the UK: A Complete Guide

Park homes are becoming a popular housing option in the UK. They offer a unique blend of comfort, affordability, and a close-knit community atmosphere.

However, living in a park home comes with its own rules and regulations that residents must follow. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these regulations to help you navigate park home living with ease and confidence.

Legal Framework Governing Park Homes

Overview of Relevant Legislation

Park homes in the UK are governed by several pieces of legislation, including the Mobile Homes Act 1983 and the Mobile Homes Act 2013. These laws provide essential protections for residents and outline the responsibilities of park owners.

Key Legal Rights and Protections for Park Home Residents

Residents have several key rights under these laws, such as:

  • The right to quiet enjoyment of their home.
  • Protection from unfair eviction.
  • The right to sell or gift their home.
  • The right to challenge unfair fees.

Role of Local Authorities in Regulation and Enforcement

Local authorities play a crucial role in enforcing park home regulations. They ensure that park owners comply with site licence conditions and investigate complaints from residents.

Site Licensing and Permissions

What is a Site Licence?

A site licence is a legal requirement for any landowner who wants to operate a park home site. This licence sets out the conditions the park owner must meet, ensuring the site is suitable for residential use.

Requirements for Obtaining a Site Licence

To obtain a site licence, park owners must meet specific criteria, including:

  • Ensuring the site has adequate amenities and facilities.
  • Complying with health and safety regulations.
  • Providing proper infrastructure, such as roads and drainage.

Responsibilities of Park Owners Under the Site Licence

Park owners have several responsibilities, such as maintaining the site in good condition, adhering to safety standards, and protecting residents' rights.

Planning Permissions and Park Home Sites

In addition to a site licence, park owners may need planning permission to develop or expand a park home site. This process involves ensuring the site meets local planning regulations and environmental standards.

park home living room

Pitch Agreements and Site Rules

Explanation of Pitch Agreements

A pitch agreement is a contract between the park owner and the resident outlining the terms of occupation. It includes details about the pitch fee, site rules, and the rights and obligations of both parties.

Key Terms and Conditions to Look Out For

When reviewing a pitch agreement, residents should pay attention to:

  • The duration of the agreement.
  • Conditions for renewing or terminating the agreement.
  • Responsibilities for maintenance and repairs.
  • Rules regarding pets, visitors, and use of communal areas.
  • Understanding and Adhering to Site Rules
  • Site rules are specific to each park and cover various aspects of living on the site. Residents must adhere to these rules to maintain harmony and ensure the smooth operation of the park.

How Site Rules Are Created and Modified

Site rules are created by the park owner but must be fair and reasonable. Residents have the right to be consulted about any changes to the site rules, which must be documented and approved.

Fees and Charges

Types of Fees and Charges

Living in a park home involves several fees, including:

  • Pitch Fees: Regular payments for using the pitch where the home is located.
  • Service Charges: Fees for services the park owner provides, such as maintenance of communal areas and utilities.

Guidelines for Fair Fees

Fees must be fair and reasonable. Park owners cannot arbitrarily increase fees without proper justification and consultation with residents.

How and When Fees Can Be Increased

Pitch fees can typically be reviewed annually. Any increase must be in line with inflation or justified by additional services or improvements. Residents should be given at least 28 days notice of any proposed increase.

Dispute Resolution for Unfair Charges

Residents who believe fees are unfair can challenge them through the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber). This body can assess the fairness of fees and make binding decisions.

Selling or Gifting a Park Home

Process of Selling a Park Home

Selling a park home involves several steps:

  • Informing the park owner of the intention to sell.
  • Advertising the home for sale.
  • Ensuring the buyer meets the site's requirements.
  • Completing the necessary paperwork and transferring the pitch agreement to the new owner.

Rights and Responsibilities of Sellers and Buyers

Both sellers and buyers have specific rights and responsibilities. Sellers must provide accurate information about the home and site, while buyers must agree to adhere to the site's rules and pitch agreement.

Role of Park Owners in Sales

Park owners have limited rights to interfere in the sale process. They can approve or reject buyers based on specific criteria but cannot unreasonably prevent a sale.

Gifting a Park Home to Family Members

Gifting a park home to a family member follows a similar process to selling. The recipient must meet the site's requirements and inform the park owner of the transfer.

Dispute Resolution and Complaints

Common Disputes and How to Address Them

Common disputes include fees, maintenance issues, and breaches of site rules. Residents should first try to resolve disputes amicably with the park owner.

Role of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)

Residents can take their case to the First-tier Tribunal if disputes cannot be resolved informally. This body handles disputes related to pitch fees, site rules, and other contractual matters.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation is another option for resolving disputes. It involves an independent third party helping the resident and park owner reach a mutually agreeable solution.

How to File a Complaint Against a Park Owner or Resident

Residents can file complaints with their local authority if they believe the park owner is not complying with legal obligations. Complaints about other residents should be addressed through site rules and the pitch agreement.

Health and Safety Regulations

Safety Standards for Park Homes

Park homes must meet specific safety standards, including proper construction, fire, and electrical safety. Regular inspections ensure these standards are maintained.

Responsibilities of Park Owners and Residents

Park owners are responsible for maintaining communal areas and ensuring the overall safety of the site, while residents are responsible for the safety and maintenance of their own homes.

Regular Safety Checks and Maintenance

Regular safety checks, such as gas and electrical inspections, ensure a safe living environment. Both park owners and residents should keep records of these checks.

Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures

Fire safety is a critical concern in park homes. Residents should have working smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and a clear emergency plan. Park owners must ensure communal areas are free from fire hazards and provide clear evacuation routes.

park home bedroom

Rights and Responsibilities of Park Home Residents

Overview of Resident Rights

Park home residents have several rights, including:

  • The right to a written pitch agreement.
  • The right to quiet enjoyment of their home.
  • The right to challenge unfair fees.
  • The right to sell or gift their home.

Responsibilities of Residents Towards Park Owners and Neighbours

Residents must adhere to site rules, pay fees on time, maintain their homes and pitches, and respect their neighbours and the communal environment.

Legal Recourse for Breaches of Rights

If residents' rights are breached, they can seek legal recourse through the First-tier Tribunal or local authorities. It's essential to document any breaches and seek advice promptly.

Impact of Future Legislation and Reforms

Recent and Upcoming Changes in Park Home Regulations

The park home sector is subject to ongoing changes and reforms. Recent updates have focused on improving residents' rights and ensuring fair practices by park owners.

How New Legislation Might Affect Park Home Residents and Owners

New legislation can impact various aspects of park home living, from fees to safety standards and site rules. Residents and owners should stay informed about potential changes.

Staying Informed About Regulatory Updates

Keeping up with regulatory updates is crucial for both residents and park owners. Government websites, industry associations, and legal advisers are good sources of information.

How to Follow Park Home Rules and Regulations UK

  • Understanding Your Responsibilities

To ensure you are following park home rules and regulations, start by thoroughly reading your pitch agreement and site rules. This document outlines your rights and responsibilities as well as the expectations set by the park owner. Make sure you understand terms related to pitch fees, maintenance, and any site-specific rules. If you’re unclear about any part of the agreement, seek clarification from the park owner or a legal advisor.

  • Adhering to Site Rules

Park sites often have specific rules about noise, pets, and communal areas. It’s important to follow these rules to maintain a harmonious environment and avoid disputes. For example, if there are restrictions on pet ownership or guidelines on landscaping, ensure you comply with them. Also, regularly check for updates or changes to site rules and adjust accordingly.

  • Managing Fees and Charges

Be aware of all fees associated with living in a park home, including pitch fees and service charges. Fees should be fair and reasonable, and the park owner must provide notice of any increases. Keep records of all payments and review any fee adjustments carefully. If you believe a fee is unfair, you can challenge it through the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber).

  • Maintaining Safety Standards

Ensure that your home meets all safety regulations. This includes having working smoke alarms, proper electrical systems, and regular gas checks. Report any safety concerns or maintenance issues to the park owner promptly. The park owner should conduct regular inspections to maintain safety across the site.

  • Seeking Advice and Support

If you have doubts or face challenges in following the rules, seek advice from local authorities or legal professionals. Resources such as government websites and resident associations can offer valuable guidance and support.


1. What are the key rights of park home residents?

Park home residents have the right to a written pitch agreement, the right to quiet enjoyment of their home, and the right to sell or gift their home. They are also protected from unfair eviction and have the right to challenge unfair fees.

2. How can I challenge unfair pitch fees?

Residents can challenge unfair pitch fees by taking their case to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber). This tribunal assesses the fairness of fees and can make binding decisions. Residents should provide evidence to support their claim.

3. Can park owners change site rules without consulting residents?

No, park owners must consult residents before changing site rules. Any changes must be fair and reasonable, and residents have the right to be informed and provide feedback on proposed changes.

4. What should I do if I have a dispute with my park owner?

First, try to resolve the issue directly with the park owner. If this fails, you can seek mediation or take the dispute to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for a resolution.

5. Are there specific safety regulations for park homes?

Park homes must meet construction, fire, and electrical safety standards. Regular inspections are required; park owners and residents must ensure their homes and the site comply with these standards.


Living in a park home offers many benefits, but it's essential to understand the rules and regulations that govern this unique housing option. Residents and park owners can ensure a harmonious and enjoyable living environment by staying informed and adhering to legal requirements.

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